X10 Workshop
co-located with PLDI'12
Crowne Plaza Hotel Parkview WuzhoU
Beijing, China
June 14, 2012
The concurrency and scale-out era is upon us. Application programmers need to confront the architectural challenge of multiples cores and accelerators, clusters and supercomputers. A central need is the development of a usable programming model that can address these challenges -- deal with thousands of cores and peta-bytes of data.
The open-source X10 programming language is designed to address these twin challenges of productivity and performance. It is organized around four basic principles of asynchrony, locality, atomicity and order, developed on a type-safe, class-based, object-oriented foundation. This foundation is robust enough to support fine-grained concurrency, Cilk-style fork-join programming, GPU programming, SPMD computations, phased computations, active messaging, MPI-style communicators, cluster programming. X10 implementations are available on Power and x86 clusters, on Linux, AIX, MacOS, Cygwin and Windows.
The X10 Workshop is intended as a forum for X10 programmers, developers, researchers, and educators. The program may include presentation of invited and selected papers, panels and a late evening X10 hackathon with programming challenges and prizes.
Original papers are invited on all aspects of X10, including theory, design, implementation, practice, curriculum development and experience, applications and tools. Accepted authors will have the option of having their paper in the proceedings that will be published by the ACM.
Topics of interest include:
- Curriculum development using X10 and experience
- Applications and experience, X10 programming pearls
- High-level frameworks and libraries: map reduce, parallel matrix and graph libraries, global load balancing frameworks
- Performance analysis, comparison between performance of X10 application in managed environment vs native environment
- Performance comparison between Hadoop and X10 implementations of Map Reduce programs
- Foundations: weak-memory models, models of imperative concurrency, reasoning techniques for dynamic concurrency
- Extensions: fault-tolerance, dynamic places, hierarchical places
- Type systems for concurrency and alias management
- Deterministic computation, Phased computations -- Clock-based concurrency, Stream-based computation
- Static analyses for atomicity violations, race conditions, deadlock-freedom.
- Compilation techniques: code generation, compilation for work-stealing, concurrency and communication optimizations, compilation for scale
- Runtime systems, Interoperability with Java, MPI
- Design of JVM extensions for X10, Multi-VM implementations of X10.
- Distributed GC
- Refactoring tools, including concurrency refactoring
- Performance analysis and monitoring tools
- Testing, Bug-detection and program understanding tools
- Debugging frameworks, including large-scale debugging, differential debugging.
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: March 5, 2012, 11:59PM PST
- Author Notification: March 28, 2012
- Camera ready deadline: Mon, April 30, 2012
- Advanced Registration deadline: May 1, 2012 (Registration and Hotel information)
- Workshop: Thu June 14, 2012
Submission Instructions
Submissions may not exceed 10 pages formatted according to the ACM proceedings format. These 10 pages include everything (i.e., it is the total length of the paper). Templates for ACM format are available for LaTeX and Word at (use the 9 pt template). Submissions should be in PDF and printable on US Letter and A4 sized paper.
Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere, including journals and proceedings of refereed conferences and workshops (c.f., Authors of accepted papers will have the option of having their paper published in the ACM proceedings and including in the ACM Digital Library. Such authors will be required to sign an ACM copyright release.
Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and designated reviewers, and judged on scientific merit, innovation, readability, and relevance. Papers previously published or already being reviewed by another conference are not eligible; if a closely related paper has been submitted to a journal, the authors must notify the program chair (see the SIGPLAN republication policy).
Workshop and hotel registration
Workshop and hotel registration is being handled by the main PLDI conference. The early deadline for workshop registration is May 1, 2012.
Program Committee:
- Haibo Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Claudia Fohry, University of Kassel, Germany
- David Grove, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- Josh Milthorpe, Australian National University
- Jens Palsberg, UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles (chair)
- Christoph von Praun, University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg, Germany
- Vivek Sarkar, Rice University
- Mikio Takeuchi, IBM Tokyo Research Lab
Steering Committee
Travel Grants
The SIGPLAN Profession Activities Committee (PAC) provides competitive awards for student author travel to attend X10'12. These travel awards are funded by SIGPLAN. Awards are also available to child care or companion travel for SIGPLAN members. Further details, including the application form can be found at
Previous Workshops
ACM Special Interest Group on
Programming Languages (SIGPLAN)