An initial binary release of the C++ backend was released on December 2, 2008. This is release of X10. 

We anticipate making a source release of the C++ backend in the near future.

We have also made a matching 1.7.2 release of the Java backend, which is available for download from the X10 Sourceforge downloads.

The release downloads are available from the codehaus distribution server. You will need to get both the x10 1.7.2 and Common PGAS runtime distributions for your platform. You can also download the latest revision of the 1.7 language specification. As noted in the Release Notes, the C++ backend is not as mature as the Java backend. Included at the top-level of the release tar ball is a directory of sample programs that are known to work with the 1.7.2 C++ backend. 




  • Download the Common PGAS Runtime and X10 distributions for your platform.
  • Untar them.
  • See the INSTALL-C++ and README-C++ files in the X10 directory tree for additional instructions.