APGAS Release 1.0.0

This is the release page for the APGAS 1.0.0 release candidate.

The APGAS library supports the APGAS programming model in Java 8. See http://x10.sourceforge.net/documentation/papers/X10Workshop2015/tardieu.pdf for details.

The simplest way to start out with APGAS is by installing the APGAS Development Tools for Eclipse using the APGAS update site (or by downloading an archive of the update site) and importing this example project in the Eclipse workspace.

The APGAS library and example codes are also available as a standalone archive to be used from the command line.

APGAS requires a Java 8 JVM and the APGAS Development Tools require Eclipse 4.2.2. These artifacts are otherwise platform independent.

The javadoc for the APGAS library is included in both distributions and also available online.