Tutorials on X10 2.2
- An all day tutorial Developing Scalable Parallel Applications in X10 given at SuperComputing 2011 by the X10 team.
- An X10 2.2 tutorial developed by David Hudak of the Ohio Supercomputer Center (ppt, pdf, example code).
Tutorials on X10 2.1
- An all day tutorial An Overview of the X10 Programming Language and X10 Development Tools given at SuperComputing 2010 by the X10 team.
- A X10 2.1 tutorial developed by Christoph von Praun of Georg-Simon-Ohm University.
- A 2 hour Seminar: Programming Language X10 (in Japanese) given by Kiyokuni Kawachiya at JSSST PPL Summer School 2010, September 2010.
Overview Articles
- X10: A Programming Language for Multicore Era (in Japanese) by Kiyokuni Kawachiya. IPSJ Magazine, 52(3), pp. 342-356, March 2011.